How to be ready for anything

28 May 2024

OmniSHore applications

Discover Holmatro’s award-winning shoring solution OmniShore

In the unpredictable world of emergency response, rescue teams face a constant challenge: adapting to diverse scenarios with only limited space on their truck for equipment. Holmatro addresses this challenge head-on with the innovative shoring system OmniShore. Recognized with the prestigious gold iF Design Award for its exceptional design and functionality, OmniShore offers a compact and versatile solution that ensures safety and efficiency.

One system, infinite applications

OmniShore stands out for its ability to adapt to various emergency situations with a system of only six different struts. You can configure OmniShore to provide robust support for unstable structures, to deliver the safest method for bracing trench walls, and to enable efficient vehicle stabilization and controlled lifting. Plus: this same system for structural, trench and vehicle shoring also allows you to build high directionals for rope rescue.

Mattijn de Graaf, R&D Director at Holmatro, underscores the system's design philosophy: "OmniShore is designed to be intuitive, versatile, and above all, safe. Our goal is that no one should be near a moving load, and every connection of struts and accessories is safe to use. Since rescue teams never know what scenario they will face, we designed OmniShore to be multifunctional, saving weight and space without compromising on performance."

Discover the possibilities of OmniShore

Watch this video for a quick explanation of OmniShore’s most important features and patented innovations. And find out more about the wide range of applications on this series of new web pages (with photographs and detailed information):

Explore the OmniShore Configurator

To explore the potential of OmniShore Holmatro encourages you to take a look at the OmniShore Configurator. This interactive online tool allows you to tailor the system to meet specific rescue needs. 

Check out for more information.